A Prayer to God, the Spirit

O God,
You are Spirit;
You are wind;
You are breath.

You meet us in the wonders of creation,
in the awe of wonderful things,
in the terror of fearful things. 

You blow among the fallen leaves,
the broken branches,
the whining pain
and the whirlwinds of delight. 

Your wind gently touches our brow
with comfort and caress;
your forgiveness raises us to life;
your challenge disturbs our tidy piles
and spreads opportunities before our eyes. 

Gentle Spirit, breathe on us your life.
Strong Spirit, open our closed doors to your compassion;
Universal Spirit, inspire us to sing and sigh for justice;
Spirit of Jesus, teach us to walk,
to work, to pray, to live, to love,
your way. 

Awaken our dreams,
expand our visions,
heal us for hope,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

prepared by William Loader
