Lectionary Resources

First Thoughts on Passages from the Gospels and the Epistles in the Lectionary The aim of these is to offer some initial reflections on the readings in the lectionary as an aid to people preparing sermons. The comments are not meant to be exegetical commentaries, although they include exegetical observation. They also include reflections which point to contemporary issues. They are also, by the same token, not sermons, not an attempt to say to people what sermons ought to be about. They are offered as a stimulus only. I have written them with only the Greek text before me, so that occasionally your translations may have opted for alternative ways of reading the text. If you sense this is the case, please check other translations or refer to detailed commentaries.

I value feedback on whether you find it is useful and on how it might be changed/improved, made more useful.

A group of Melbourne colleagues, led by Revd Prof Howard Wallace, retired Professor of Old Testament at the Uniting Church Theological Hall, has  commentaries on the Old Testament passages.

See also the weekly Podcast series By the Well

For the Year of Luke

The Gospel of Luke - An introduction for preachers
Looking at Luke
"Looking at Luke" Studies for inquiring minds of faith. Series 1: Luke 7 - 3 studies; Series 2: Luke 10 -11 - 3 studies; Series 3: Luke 14 - 15 - 3 studies.
Lenten Studies: Reflections on the Gospel Readings: 6 Studies for Lent + A Reflection for Good Friday and Easter Day

Transfiguration: 2 March Luke 9:28-36 (37-43)
Transfiguration  2 March  2 Corinthians 3:12 - 4:2
Prayer for Transfiguration Sunday
A Liturgy for Ash Wednesday
A Prayer for Ash Wednesday
and for use in Lent, now set to music by Nathan Chichester

Lent 1: 9 March  Luke 4:1-13
Lent 1: 9 March  Romans 10:8b-13
Lent 2: 16 March  Luke 13:31-35
Lent 2: 16 March  Philippians 3:17-4:1
Lent 3: 23 March  Luke 13:1-9
Lent 3: 23 March 1 Corinthians 10:1-13
Lent 4: 30 March  Luke 15:1-3,11b-32
Dogs Know- a canine reworking of the Prodigal Son parable
Lent 4: 30 March  2 Corinthians 5:16-21
Lent 5: 6 April  John 12:1-8
Lent 5: 6 April  Philippians 3:4b-14
Palm Sunday: 13 April Luke 19:28-40
Passion Sunday: 13 April Luke 22:14 - 23:56
Passion/Palm Sunday: 13 April Philippians 2:6-11
Donkey - A Story for Children and Adults - vimeo version
Sermon for Palm Sunday with Project Connect vimeo ...Auf Deutsch: Palmsonntag
Good Friday: 18 April John 18:1 – 19:42
Good Friday:  18 April  Hebrews 10:16-25
Good Friday:  18 April  Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:7-9
The unrepentant brigand: for Good Friday
An Order of Worship for Good Friday
Easter Day: 20 April Luke 24:1-12
Easter Day: 20 April John 20:1-18

Easter Day: 20 April Acts 10:34-43
Easter Day: 20 April 1 Corinthians 15:19-26
Easter 2: 27 April John 20:19-31
Easter 2: 27 April Acts 5:27-32
Easter 2: 27 April  Revelation 1:4-8


Myths on the Margins

What Can Love Hope For? Questions for Faith Seeking Understanding (Cascade Books: Eugene, 2020).
This book raises thorny questions about the themes of faith, hope, and love. Is God really like Jesus or was Jesus a temporary exception to the way God usually is?
Was there forgiveness before the cross? Will God one day stop loving? What do we do with the fact that the hopes they had for change were not fulfilled?
What happened to good news for the poor? Why did some replace it with something else? Does Christian freedom mean we no longer need the Law?
Were early responses to rejection always healthy? Does the Bible say all we need to know about sexu

Making Sense of Sex

This book is a summary of my five volumes of research on attitudes towards sexuality in Early Jewish and Christian Literature, indexed to those volumes.

My hope is that it will prove useful to a wide readership and serve as a doorway for others into the detailed research of the previous 5 volumes.

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A useful resource for ministers and parishes, seeking a fresh approach to the New Testament. 

Other resources:

New "Mark" Time Studies for inquiring minds of faith. Series 1: "Mark" Time 345 - 4 studies on Mark 3-5; Series 2: "Mark" Time 6 - 3 studies on Mark 6; Series 3: "Mark" Time 789 - 4 studies on Mark 7-9; Series 4: "Mark" Time 10 - 4 studies. These are for use of groups during the Year of Mark, but suitable for any time.

Year A Lectionary Index  First thoughts on the Matthew and other Gospel Passages, Year A
Year of Mark(John) Index First thoughts on the Mark(John) Passages, Year B

Year of Luke Index. First thoughts on the Luke and other Gospel Passages, Year C
The Role of John's Gospel in the Three Year Lectionary

Neuere Tendenzen in der Matthäusforschung English: Recent Tendencies in Research on the Gospel according to Matthew

An Ordination Charge

Listening and telling as Preachers
Preaching as an invitation to engage God-stories
A Service of the Eucharist - for use within Worship

Links to links: try the following:
Songs that Unite: a rich site for worship resources
Liturgy: A New Zealand site for liturgical resources
Stepping Stones: A Guide to Lectionary Based Resources for Worship and Teaching - from  John Maynard
Sermons & Sermon Lectionary Resources by Richard J. Fairchild
Lectionary Resources provided by David Beswick
